Pam Alldred

Pam is Professor of Children, Youth and Community in the Department of Social Work, Care and Community (SWCC), in the School of Social Sciences. Her role is to promote research in the Department and to support colleagues and doctoral researchers. She was previously Reader in Education and Youth Studies at Brunel University London where she taught on the Social Work MA and BA, and the Health Sciences MSc, and before that, was Programme Lead for the Youth & Community Studies MA and director of the Centre for Youth Work Studies, for the final six years of its 40-year history.
Career overview
Between studies, Pam worked in residential care and on a Social Services temporary roll, which offered some insights into Social Care. After a degree in Psychology (with Physiology) at Leicester University, UK, she was a researcher at the University of East London (Children’s Understandings of Parental Involvement in Education project, with Prof Margaret O’Brien), where she attended the Cultural Studies MA and competed her PhD on ‘Fitness to Parent’: Psychology, Knowledge and Popular Debate. She was affiliated to the Discourse Unit at Manchester Metropolitan University, from where Prof Erica Burman supported her PhD and first publications (collective books: Challenging Women: Psychology’s Exclusions, Feminist Possibilities, OUP 1996 and Psychology, Discourse, Practice: From Regulation to Resistance, Taylor & Francis, 1996).
Pam continued as a contract researcher at London South Bank University (Children’s Understandings of Parental Involvement in Education project, then the Partnered Mothers, Paid Work project, with Prof Rosalind Edwards), and then at Keele University (Sex & Relationship Education Policy Action Research with Prof Miriam David), before lecturing at Greenwich University (in Education and Community Studies), and then for 14 years at Brunel University London (in the Education Dept., then Social Work Division). She served as Departmental Director of Post-graduate Research, Departmental Equality & Diversity Officer, Deputy Leader of the Health & Well-being Research Theme, and on two rounds of Athena Swan self-assessment teams. In 2014 she was awarded the Ken Darby-Dowman Memorial Prize for supporting first-in-family students (experienced youth practitioners but with sometimes few qualifications) to succeed on the Masters in Youth & Community Work. She received BERA's first International Fellowship funding.
Pam has a great deal of experience in supporting PhD students, having first supervised 10 PhDs to completion, working with six current doctoral researchers, and having been External Examiner for over 30 PhDs, including three European PhDs in Spain and some in Australia and New Zealand.
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ORCID: 0000-0002-5077-7286